Adding a new git repository

{"date": "Mon 04 January 2010",

"category": "Linux",
"tags": ["LPR", "howto", "git"]}

Some time ago I set up a git server (gitosis) in my desktop computer. I use to commit in my laptop and then push the changes to my desktop and I really like it.

Today to add a new repository I did:
In my desktop:

cd /tmp
git clone gitosis@localhost:gitosis-admin.git
cd gitosis-admin
(Added Ants_Client to writable, in group developers where I [well, my sshkey] belongs)
git commit -a
git push

Then in my laptop:

cd ~/workspace/Ants_Client
git init
git remote add origin ssh://gitosis@myhomeip/Ants_Client.git
git push origin master:refs/heads/master

Useful files:

Comments !